Fulfilling Community Needs Through Design
A Video Series on the Presbyterian Hospital New Tower Addition: Part 1
By Darren Huval
[Video Transcription]
Bucking National Trend
There is a trend right now to reduce the use of centralized healthcare and enlarging major campuses and hospitals. We are bucking the trend here in New Mexico because our state is an under-bedded community and that really came to light during the pandemic.
Dekker has been working with our partners at Presbyterian Healthcare for a number of years and we have really taken some of the the patient rooms that we've worked on over the years, starting with Presbyterian's Rest Medical Center really brought a lot of the design elements forward from each successive project that has a patient room.
Evolution of Design
One of the unique qualities to this project was really an opportunity to revisit the previous design of the campus and open it up to provide more opportunities to bring in natural daylight and create wider circulation areas for families and patients.
This helps to create a better environment for healing. It's really about a a human centered experience. That idea is is really built upon a responsibility to our community and to everyone we work with every day.
This is part one of an ongoing series about the Presbyterian Hospital F Tower addition. Stay tuned fore more!
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